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Stable (1:0:0)Stephen (1:0:0)Stott (4:0:4)
Stables (1:0:0)Stephens (2:0:0)Stovin (1:0:0)
Stafford (2:0:0)Stephenson (5:0:4)Strange (17:0:17)
Stafford-Jerningham (1:0:1)Sterry (1:0:1)Stranks (4:0:4)
Staines (5:0:5)Steuart-Menzies (2:0:1)Stratford (2:0:0)
Stainforth (1:0:1)Steuart_Fothringham (6:0:5)Stratmore (7:0:7)
Stainsby (2:0:1)Stevens (7:0:4)Streatfield (1:0:0)
Stalker (3:0:3)Stevenson (6:1:4)Streblow (3:0:3)
Stallard (3:0:3)Steward (4:0:1)Strickland (11:0:6)
Stamp (2:0:1)Stewardson (2:0:2)Stringer (1:0:1)
Standen (2:0:0)Stewart (42:0:10)Strode (11:0:10)
Standish (1:0:1)Stewart-Jones (3:0:3)Stronach (2:0:1)
Stanford (3:0:2)Stewart-Lockhart (4:0:3)Stronge (3:0:3)
Stanhope (2:0:1)Stiff (1:0:0)Strub (3:0:0)
Staniforth (2:0:2)Stigliano (3:0:3)Struben (1:0:1)
Stanley (14:0:10)Stiles (2:0:1)Struthers (1:0:1)
Stanley-Clarke (1:0:0)Stirling (10:0:9)Strutt (21:0:14)
Stannard (1:0:0)Stirling-Hamilton (2:0:2)Strycker (1:0:0)
Stansfield (4:0:1)Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray (2:0:0)Stuart (12:1:7)
Staples (1:0:1)Stocker (9:0:7)Stuart-Black (1:0:1)
Stapleton (2:0:0)Stocks (1:0:1)Stuart-Jones (2:0:2)
Starey (10:0:9)Stodard (1:0:1)Stuart-Walker (2:0:2)
Starling (3:0:3)Stoddard (1:0:0)Stucley (17:0:14)
Staughton (6:0:6)Stokes (5:0:3)Studdards (3:0:3)
Staveley (3:1:2)Stokes-Reece (1:0:0)Stumm (1:0:1)
Stavert (2:0:1)Stone (13:0:9)Sturdee (2:0:1)
Stead (2:0:2)Stonehill (1:0:1)Sturgeon (2:0:1)
Stearns (1:0:0)Stonehouse (2:0:2)Stutchbury (2:0:1)
Stedall (1:0:1)Stones (1:0:0)Stutter (1:0:1)
Steel (2:0:2)Stooke (2:0:2)St_Aubyn (2:0:2)
Steele (4:0:3)Stooks (1:0:1)St_Clair (1:0:1)
Steer (2:0:2)Storrs (1:0:0)St_John (5:0:4)
Steggles (3:0:2)Stortenbeker (1:0:1)St_Lawrence (1:0:0)
Stein (1:0:1)Story (1:0:1)St_Leger (1:0:0)
Stenzhorn (1:0:1)


Lord Howth Robert