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Shackleton (15:0:15)Sheehan (1:0:1)Sherman (2:0:1)
Shakespear (7:0:7)Sheen (1:0:1)Sherrard (5:0:3)
Shakespeare (4:0:3)Sheffield (1:0:0)Sherratt (2:0:1)
Shakir (1:0:1)Sheldon (1:0:0)Sherwood (1:0:0)
Shand (2:0:1)Sheldrake (1:0:1)Shilton (1:0:0)
Shard (1:0:1)Shelley (3:0:3)Shimmon (3:0:3)
Sharko (4:0:4)Shelmerdine (1:0:1)Shipley (1:0:1)
Sharman (2:0:1)Shelton-Agar (4:0:4)Shmith (2:0:2)
Sharp (3:1:2)Shepherd (19:1:7)Shoemaker (2:0:1)
Sharpe (1:0:1)Shepherd-Smith (2:0:2)Shorrock (1:0:0)
Sharpin (1:0:1)Sheppard (3:0:2)Short (1:0:0)
Sharples (3:0:3)Sheraman (1:0:1)Shorting (34:0:32)
Shattuck (1:0:1)Sherard (3:0:1)Shove (2:0:1)
Shaw (48:0:48)Sherbrook (1:0:1)Shrubsole (2:0:1)
Sheaffe (2:1:1)Sheridan (3:0:1)Shuldham (2:0:2)
Shearman (4:0:4)Sherlock (1:0:1)Shuttleworth (1:0:1)

