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Place (1:0:1)Player (2:0:0)Plowden (6:0:4)
Plant (1:0:1)Playfair (2:0:1)Plumb (1:0:1)
Plantagenet (101:5:0)Playford (1:0:0)Plume (13:0:2)
Plantamour (1:0:1)Plees (3:0:2)Plumer (44:0:39)
Platings (10:0:10)Plestow (2:0:2)Plunkett (2:0:2)
Platt (5:0:3)Pleydell-Bouverie (2:0:1)


AnncFanny HannahcRosemary Diana Laviniac
Ann Cynthia Veronica TempestcFranciscSarahc
AnnecHallcSybil Margaretc
Anne LucyHallcThomasc
BeatriceHerbert Charles OnslowcThomasc
Charles GeorgeJosephcThomasc
Daphne Mary ChristalcJulia MariacThomas Hallc
DorothycLucycThomas Hallc
Eleanor MarycMaria (Or Mary)cThomas Hall Rokebyc
ElizabethcMarjorie ConstancecThomas Henryc
EmmalineMatthew (Or Michael)c