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Coates (3:0:1)Colthrup (2:0:2)Corns (1:0:1)
Cobb (1:0:0)Colverd (1:0:1)Cornwall (1:0:0)
Cobbold (1153:73:1119)Colvile (2:0:1)Cornwallis (14:4:13)
Cobbold-Sawle (1)Colville (3:0:2)Cornwallis-West (4:0:1)
Cobbold_Bagdonas (2:0:2)Colvin (8:0:0)Correa (1:0:0)
Cobboll (5:0:5)Combe (1:0:1)Corrie (7:0:7)
Cochrane (1:0:1)Common (1:0:1)Corry (1:0:0)
Cock (1:0:1)Compton (1:0:1)Cosens (2:0:1)
Cockayne (1)Compton-Cavendish (2:0:0)Cossart (2:0:1)
Cockell (3:0:3)Comyn (12:0:10)Cotter (1:0:1)
Cocking (5:0:1)Conde-Williams (2:0:2)Cotterell (6:0:6)
Cockman (3:0:0)Conder (8:0:8)Cotterill (3:0:3)
Cockrell (1:0:1)Conn (1:0:1)Cottingham (2:0:1)
Cockroft (1:0:0)Connard (3:0:3)Cotton (5:0:2)
Cocks (1:0:0)Connell (5:0:4)Cottrell (1:0:1)
Cocksedge (11:0:11)Conolly (1:0:0)Coulton (2:0:2)
Codd (1:0:1)Constable (2:0:1)Coupland (1:0:1)
Coe (3:0:3)Constable-Maxwell (1:0:1)Courtenay (7:3:2)
Coffin (1:0:1)Constantinidi (4:0:3)Courthope (2:0:1)
Cohen (3:0:3)Conway (1:0:1)Courtney (2:1:1)
Cokayne (3:0:2)Conynghan (1:0:1)Courtney-Clack (1:0:1)
Coke (30:0:22)Coode (2:0:1)Courtney-Soper (2:0:2)
Coker (1:0:0)Cook (21:2:12)Coussmaker (3:0:1)
Colbourne (1:0:1)Cooke (20:0:14)Coveney (8:0:4)
Cole (24:2:22)Cooke-Yarborough (16:0:14)Coventry (2:0:1)
Coleborne (1:0:1)Cookson (1:0:0)Covolt (1:0:0)
Coleman (12:0:10)Coope (6:0:2)Cowan (2:1:0)
Coleridge (5:1:5)Cooper (17:0:10)Cowburn (1:0:1)
Coles (2:0:2)Cooper-Key (2:0:2)Cowdrey (1:0:1)
Collenberg (4:0:4)Coote (1:0:1)Cowell (3:0:2)
Collet (2:0:1)Copdowe (1:0:1)Cowles (1:0:0)
Collett (3:0:2)Coper (2:0:2)Cowling (4:0:3)
Colley (1:0:0)Copland (1:0:1)Cowlishaw (1:0:0)
Collings (2:0:0)Copping (4:0:3)Cowly (3:0:3)
Collingwood (5:0:5)Corbet (3:0:1)Cowpe (2:0:0)
Collins (18:0:9)Corbett (4:0:4)Cowpe-Pendleton (12:0:5)
Collison (1:0:0)Corleis (2:0:0)Cowper (2:0:0)
Collyer (4:3:3)Cormack (2:0:1)Cox (5:0:2)
Colman (1:0:1)Cornhill (3:0:3)Coxon (2:0:1)
Colquhoun (4:0:4)Cornish (11:0:10)Coyle (1:0:1)
Colston (4:0:4)


Peggy VirginiacSarah Elizabeth