Eileen Mary Johnson
Born: 1896-Jul-7
Died: 1978-Jun
mArchie George Chester-Masterw
m1917-Apr-25Richard Cadmanw Conway, Wales - one son
m1922-MarArchie George Chester-Masterw Wandsworth, London
3 Marriages

Eileen Mary Cadman (nee Johnson) born 07 07 1896 Wales and died June 1978 Wandsworth, London. They married March 1922 Wandsworth, London. Eileen Mary Johnson married 25 04 1917 Conway, Wales to Richard Cadman born 01 11 1894 Staffordshire and died 06 11 1957 Cardiff, Wales. They had one son.

1: 1921 Stella Sonia Chester-Mastercw H/C
1 Child

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