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Joddrell (1:0:1)Johnstone (5:0:3)Jordan (4:0:3)
Jodrell (1:0:1)Johnstone-Douglas (1:0:1)Josey (3:0:3)
John (4:0:3)Jolliffe (2:0:2)Josey-Kerr (3:0:3)
Johns (2:0:1)Jones (36:1:21)Joshephthal (7:0:1)
Johnson (67:5:42)Jones-Liebman (2:0:2)Josselyn (20:0:15)
Johnston (18:1:15)Jopp (2:0:1)Jowitt (5:0:0)


(A)JuliaPrimrose Lucy Dudley
AdacJulie LucettaRafferty Philipc
Agnes Hamilton RandallcKatherine LouisecRaymond Bazleyc
Anna Emily OrmsbycKathleen (Kit)cRhea
Beufrea MariecLeecRobert Williamcw
Cameron OlivercLeonard Jack BoylandRobin Annew
Cecil John DouglascLeslie George ArnottcRose Marguerite Maryc
Daphne Rosemary HildacLeslie William ArnottcSadler Green
DeannacLilahSally Annew
Declan GeraldcMariaSarah
Diana V RcMary CalistaSusannahc
Dudley GrahamcMary Catherine HoldencThomas
Eileen MarywMervyn John Leslie ArnottcThomas
George AlexandercMervyn TaylorcValerie Lesliec
George RandallcMichaelVictor Nevillec
HelenMichael AlancViola Diana Lesliec
Helen AnnewPamelacWilliamc
Jasper William StanleycPamela Geraldine LesliecWilliam
JoannaPatience Mary DudleyWilliamc
John Charles Eric ArnottcPerry RaycWilliam Bertie Stuart
John MichaelcPeter AlancWilliam Cowperc
John OrmsbycPeter John DudleyWilliam Honnor
Joseph Jack (JJ)c