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Michael (3:0:3)Miletic (1:0:1)Minks (1:0:0)
Micheletti (1:0:1)Millar (4:0:4)Minster (1:0:0)
Michell (3:0:3)Miller (21:0:10)Minter (3:0:3)
Micklewright (2:0:1)Millichamp-Reynolds (1:0:1)Minter-Kemp (7:0:7)
Middleditch (1:0:0)Milligan (3:0:0)Mirehouse (7:0:5)
Middleton (10:0:10)Millington (1:0:0)Mirza-Reid (1:0:1)
Miers (3:0:3)Millington-Limb (3:0:1)Misch (2:0:2)
Mikkelsen (1:0:1)Millon (1:0:1)Mitchell (28:0:22)
Mildmay (1:0:1)Mills (10:0:7)Mitchison (3:0:3)
Mildon (6:0:6)Millward (1:0:1)Mitford (2:0:1)
Miles (6:0:4)Milne (15:0:10)


AnastasiaElizabeth Anne HoyarMarjorie
AndrewHenry Frederick RoddamcPhilippa Hearlec
Ann TJamescRachel
Austin TimeausJane Constance AliceRobert Charles Patrickc
CrokercLucindacWilliam Charles