John Charles Ryder Richardson F/Mc
Married: 1922
Pamela Kennedy Trollope F/Mc

Pamela Molly Ryder Richardson
[CFT #2621]
Born: 1924
Died: 2013-Aug-28
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
mRobert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/M
m1951Robert Charles (Charlie) Townsend Sivewrightc F/MChippenham, Wiltshire
8 Marriages

b Braintree, Essex

Mrs Sivewright is an outstanding horsewoman. In 1958 she founded the Talland International School of Equitation in Gloucestershire and is a fellow of the British Horse Society, the Institute of the Horse and of the Association of British Riding Schools. She has competed in the British Dressage Team, is a List1 dressage judge and an international judge of show hacks and arab horses. She has official authorisation to run courses for judges, riders and horses at national and international standard.

As well as having been a member of the Council of the British Horse Society and of the Training and Examinations and Pony Club Training Committees for a great many years she is highly regarded as one of the country's leading expert witnesses. Mrs Sivewright has written two books in the 'Thinking Riding' series, both of which have been widely acclaimed and has recently released a third book entitled 'Lessons on the Lunge for Horse and Rider'.

Content from the Talland School of Equitation website is acknowledged.

Molly died on 28th August 2013. A celebration of her Life is to be held at The Talland School of Equitation at 2pm on Sunday 17th November, 2013

Our picture shows Molly as a little girl.

1: 1952 Pamela (Pammy) N Sivewrightc H/C
2: 1954 Amanda (Mandy) Sivewrightc H/C
3: 1956 Sarah Sivewrightc H/C
3 Children

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