Charles Edward Gowran Shearman F/Mc
Married: 1924
Evelyn Winifred White F/Mc

John Kinder Gowran Shearman
[CFT #14894]
Born: 1931
Died: 2003
0 Marriages

b Louise Margaret Hospital, Aldershot, Hampshire

d Canada whilst visiting

He was born the son of an army of­fi­cer (and am­a­teur painter) in Aldershot, Hamp­shire, ed­u­cated in Surrey at St Edmund's School, Hind­head, and Fel­sted School in Essex, and en­tered the Cour­tauld In­sti­tute in Lon­don in 1951, where he was ap­pointed a lec­turer as soon as he grad­u­ated with a BA in 1955 – fol­lowed by a PhD in 1957.

He had a re­search fel­low­ship at Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity from 1964, was Reader at the Cour­tauld from 1967, and Deputy Di­rec­tor 1974–1979 be­fore re­turn­ing to Prince­ton, where he was chair­man of the art his­tory de­part­ment from 1979 to 1985. He had hoped for the Di­rec­tor­ship of the Cour­tauld at the re­tire­ment of Anthony Blunt in 1974 but was not suc­cess­ful; the me­dieval­ist Peter Lasko, who had ad­min­is­tra­tive ex­pe­ri­ence, got the ap­point­ment in­stead. From 1987 until his re­tire­ment in 2002 he was a pro­fes­sor at Harvard University.

Besides his works on Raphael and Quat­tro­cento paint­ing, the most widely in­flu­en­tial book of his, and still in print, was on the con­tro­ver­sial con­cept of Mannerism. He was in­volved with the Ital­ian and Vat­i­can au­thor­i­ties on is­sues in­clud­ing the dam­age after the 1966 Flood of the River Arno in Flo­rence and the Restora­tion of the Sis­tine Chapel fres­coes, which he sup­ported.

He was mar­ried three times, in 1957, 1983, and 1998, with four chil­dren by his first mar­riage, and died of a heart at­tack near Leth­bridge, Al­berta on a hol­i­day in the Rocky Moun­tains. He was a keen sailor.

John K G Shearman born 1931 Farnham, Surrey

0 Children

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