Arthur Thomas Cobbold F/M [Cobbold-63] c
Married: 1838
Sarah Elliston F/M [Elliston-560] c

Arthur James Cobbold Elliston
[CFT #215]
Born: 1839
Died: 1919
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mFlorence Lynchcw
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
mMary Ann Sturgeonc M
m1863Mary Ann Sturgeonc M
m1874Ellen Claughessyc
m1887Florence Lynchcw
25 Marriages

Obituary from Inangahua County, New Zealand.


The death occured at Reefton early this morning of Mr Arthur J Elliston, an old and respected resident of the district. The deceased, who had been in his usual state of health, contracted a chill on Saturday last, and on Monday had to take to his bed, consequent on inflammation of the lungs setting in. He gradually grew weaker, and yesterday little hope was held out of his recovery and he passed away as stated.
The late Mr Elliston, who had been resident in the Dominion for 60 years, was a native of Ipswich, England, and 79 years of age, had been identified with the Reefton mining field for a long period. He was employed as battery manager at the Sir Francis Drake mine, until the mine closed down, and later by the Syndicate that took up the property. For some years past Mr Elliston had been in the County Council's employ as Inspector, which post he resigned in December last.
He leaves a widow and grown-up family of six children - three sons and three daughters, who will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their great trouble. The internment takes place to-morrow, the funeral leaving his late residence, Bridge Street, at 2 O'clock for the Suburban Cemetery.

The following exerpt appeared in the same edition of the paper.

At the Inangahua County Council's meeting this morning, touching reference was made to the late Mr A J Elliston, who for some years was an inspector in the employ of the Inangahua County Council and who resigned in December last. On the motion of Cr Scantlebury, seconded by Cr Irving, it was carried that a letter of condolence be sent to the widow and family. The Chairman put the motion, the menbers of the Council standing. As a mark of respect to deceased the flag at the Council Chambers was flying at half mast to-day.

February 2009

1: 1863 Herman (Herbert) James Ellistonc W/C
2: 1888 Arthur Edgar Ellistonc
3: 1890 Percy James Ellistonc
4: 1893 Florence Jane Ellistoncw H/C
5: 1893 Thomas Clement Ellistonc
6: 1895 Constance Harriet Ellistonc H/C
7: 1895 Ernest Edwin Ellistonc
8: 1896 May Olive Ellistoncw H/C
9: 1898 Leslie James (Jim) Ellistonc W/C
9 Children

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